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Course Search

A few weeks before Priority Registration all classes may be viewed by clicking: ‘Schedule of Classes’ in the ISU A-Z search ( ) or ‘Dynamically Searchable Schedule of Classes’ on MyISU and select the desired term. You can also search specifically for Distance courses or for all courses that fill a specific Gen Ed requirement. For example:

  • Subject: To see all, click first item in list, hold Shift key, scroll and click last item. The entire block should be highlighted. Click outside box to lock.
  • Schedule Type: If only Distance courses are needed, click ‘Distance Blackboard Course’, hold Cntl key, and also click ‘Distance Education’. Click outside box to lock. Otherwise, leave on default ‘All’.
  • Course Level: Click ‘Undergraduate’
  • Attribute Type: Click the specific Foundational Studies requirement
  • Click ‘Class Search’ at bottom
  • This should bring up all classes offered via distance for the requirement selected.
  • Click on the given title of a class, scroll down, and you will see whether the class is full.

 To view additional information about the course click on the title bar. Important: When you finish using the ‘Attribute’ area and are going to look for a specific course or all of the courses in a specific subject, make sure you click on ‘All’ at the top of the attribute list. If you don’t do this the search will not give you the information requested.

You can also search by ‘day’ and ‘time of day’ that you want to take courses by using the options near the bottom of the screen.

NOTE: The prefixes/Subject for courses offered by the Bailey College of Engineering and Technology are as follows:

  •  ACE – Adult & Career Education
  • AET – Automotive Engineering Technology
  • AVT – Aviation Technology
  • CNST – Construction
  • CTE – Career & Technical Education
  • CVET – Civil Engineering
  • ECT – Electronics/Computer Technology
  • ENGR – Engineering
  • HRD – Human Resource Development
  • HPT – Human Performance Technology
  • MET – Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • MFG – Manufacturing Engineering Technology
  • PKG – Packaging
  • TAM – Textiles, Apparel, and Merchandising
  • TCED – Technology Education
  • TMGT – Technology Management
  • IAD - Interior Architecture Design
  • SFTY - Safety Management
  • UMS – Unmanned Systems